Technical Support


FAQs: Clicca qui per le risposte alle domande tecniche più frequenti.

Online manual Eldy 2.3: When in doubt, click here to consult the technical manual online Eldy 2.1

Practical Guide to the use of Eldy for inexperienced computerun manuale semplice e pratico per chi vuole imparare Eldy ed il computer ed è alle prime armi.

Scarica il Manuale di Eldy creato da–

Installation Location: Click here to follow step by step installation path Eldy 2.1
Configuration path "Beginner" : follow the path configuration Eldy 2.1 Beginner, create your new account now and get an e-mail


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 Windows Vista Windows XP Ubuntu Linux Debian Linux Other Linux

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Enter your username Eldy (is: ale.mi):

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This service is run by our volunteers, we will respond fully as soon as possible.