Thanks to our everyday experience in the field and 220.000 Our users observatory out analysis and constant monitoring over the world 60.

Recently’ Centre has submitted a sample of users Eldy a questionnaire and below are some data:

-L 'average age of “Eldynauti”is 58 years, but what astonishes is the percentage of young people who install it (almost 30% under 50 years).

-The majority of users are male Eldy, but the data are inverted in the chat, In fact users of rooms “Chatter” are mostly women who care for the discussions and are always ready to intervene if needed. It follows, therefore, that you men prefer to use software for mail and web browsing.

The engine used is followed by is

Certainly the reading of newspapers is the most widespread, is most viewed.

Regarding the use of Eldy during the week, statistics show that a particular constancy shows that users do not have work commitments.

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